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(1 edit) (+1)

I got 56.5



38.5 is my current high score. I like this one



forgot to post this one, i got full SG on vertical tetrible

nice! did you see the “secret grade!” message? it’s supposed to appear but i’m not skilled enough to test it haha

i've done it multiple times on the vertical version as well, didn't see the message a single time

damn, i’ll double check how i did it then


secret grade is interesting on this one

wow, that’s very impressive already! i support you could alternate between large and small holes haha


a great small twist that adds so much challenge to the classic, nice!



felt the need to improve my score, so..

222 lines

good job


nice job thinking about the half line spins c:

not that likely to actually happen but it's nice to see

hehe it’s all about the details


the game seems to be lagging quite a bit this time around, especially when the normal sized pieces spawn... aside from that it's still a fun version c:

83 lines

yeah sorry. i would have made it better with more time, but right now the game is just displaying 4x as many elements


can't always be perfect right?


This one is pretty weird, but I liked it. I'll try to get a better number

(1 edit) (+1)

11 lines :D
update: i got 17 lines!!


i got 24 lines on my third attempt !! this is  very painful i love it


Damn, almost got it

noooo almost haha


this is so difficult, love it :)

i'll start off this week with this nice score c:
100 lines



I have a bit of a suggestion for future versions of this game.
Currently a lot of these have fallen under the form of either
"playable forever" or "playable when gravity is low, but once you reach high gravity you can't keep it up"
I think it might be nice to see some modes where the stacking itself was challenging enough that you could only keep it up for so long, and gravity wasn't even a factor (you would prob just keep it at low grav the entire game.) I think the initial Long Tetrible was kinda like that and that was part of the fun - it was a slow stacking challenge. I would enjoy seeing more concepts where this was the source of the difficulty. Isn't always easy but... would be nice.
One thing to note is that stuff like hold and the bag randomizer can be nice, but are perfecty fine to omit if you think it helps the game to be more interesting. Sometimes these features are cool and other times they make the game a bit too easy.


agree with the sentiment, but don't have a fix. long was well balanced, and felt comparable to playing tetris with pentominoes - at the highest level you could probably go for thousands of lines, but it takes a lot of effort to reach that. I think not including a hold feature contributed to this balance by making the stacking harder

mini, vertical, and long 2 are all death by speed

twisted, repeat, lava, SUPER, and tilted are all marathons

iirc letter and double were death by speed and marathon, respectively, but maybe they were well balanced


I'll maybe try to give suggestions on how some of the modes could have been made more difficult without the inclusion of gravity, though these are just my guesses and i can't really test them or anything.

Long 1 was fairly balanced without gravity, technically possible to play for a while but it was a challenge. Having no hold helped with this.
Mini was death by gravity, without gravity it wouldn't be all too hard as you can just put mini blocks in one section of the field and big blocks in the other. (still a bit of balancing to do when you do this but it isn't that bad overall.) One way to make this mode harder without gravity could maybe be to change the playfield size, so that it was 10 mini blocks wide rather than 10 big blocks wide, and thus you have a lot less room to separate the two types.
Vertical was death by gravity, without gravity it would probably be playable forever as it was fairly possible to perfect clear (as you could make full vertical sections such as a 4-wide stack that all cleared at once.) A harder version of this mode might maybe change the randomizer to be harder such that it was trickier to rely on patterns that appeared in the bag? (such as playing-forever type stacks)
Twisted was playable forever even with gravity because it was essentially just normal Tetris in a weird field. There were some fun things you could do with this field like pattern building, but for normal play it didn't really affect much. Perhaps this could be made more difficult by making the line clears work differently to fit the field? (for example, you might have to clear a zig-zag line all the way across the bottom of both sections, rather than simply a horizontal line?
repeat tetrible was marathonable because most pieces you can just use over and over to build a giant 2 wide, and then throw the pieces you don't want down that. When you were playing freestyle and didn't have a good well set up, this mode was quite interesting, but once you were able to get a well you could maintain it forever til you messed up. The only idea I could really think of to make this one more difficult is to have garbage blocks occasionally appear to stop the player from building cleanly forever (perhaps similar to the garbage blocks that occupy the field at the beginning meant to prevent the player from starting out this way?) but i don't know exactly how this would be implemented.
letter tetrible was interesting and felt very similar to long tetrible, but you would always die once the gravity was unmanageable. the pieces were a challenge to stack with but were somewhat possible by combining the I and J into patterns. This mode might have worked on it's own without gravity, perhaps removing hold would be a way to make it more difficult.
lava tetrible was kinda cool since it incentivised stacking faster and stuff, this was very interesting for challenges such as an alternating secret grade pattern. however it wasn't very interesting for survival because you could always just spam hard drop to raise your stack. here, the speed of the lava was the challenge, and that feels like a fine challenge as long as it can actually kill you. perhaps this could work by making filled or even mostly filled rows sink slower into the lava somehow, such that spamming pieces would fall into the lava faster than you could place them, but placing pieces to create a more solid stack would make things sink slower? idk exactly how this would work.
a variation of this might even be to have it where lines don't clear, but you must fill all lines and if the lava consumes an unfilled line then you die or it starts going faster or something.
SUPER tetrible was for the most part normal tetris, except that the lock delay mechanics were very weird. The gravity applied when you moved the piece left and right wasn't really used much because the normal gravity quickly outpaced it. this was of course playable forever as long as you didn't screw up. One way this mode might be more interesting is by making there be no normal gravity, but instead the gravity that only moves when you move would start to go faster, until pieces could only have a very limited number of moves and rotates before they were already at ground level. for example, moving a piece from the middle to the side might already place it only a few blocks above the ground, forcing the player to be strategic and play very low so as to make sure moves stayed possible. This might echo something like killscreen play in NES Tetris where the gravity is so fast the pieces can't stack up very high at all (without hypertapping) except, here as time only moved when you moved it would be completely strategic.
tilted tetrible was playable forever because while the tilt was interesting, as long as you built a clean 9-0 stack it would not really mean too much. One way this might be a more interesting mode is by making the tilt it's own puzzle in that - the tilt would be the only way to move the pieces left and right. Pieces would be anchored to the right wall, with the only controls being rotate and hold, and they would be slid to their proper place. I don't know how long you could survive with this, but it might be an interesting puzzle not limited by gravity.
Double tetrible was a bit weird as gravity played a big part in this mode, but also a lot of difficulty came from the very buggy interactions between pieces. I'm not really sure how difficult this would be if there was no gravity. Managing the height of each piece and using Hold to try to reset this height was fairly interesting, though.

Remember all of these are just ideas, I don't know if any of these would actually improve the game modes, and there are probably other ways to make things difficult without gravity, just trying to give some ideas on how it might be possible to make interesting, non-infinite gamemodes that are based more on strategy than speed. Of course the speed modes can also be fine in their own way, but personally I do think that trying to find strategies that work well for each new version of the game each week is the most interesting aspect of all this.


thank both of you for that great feedback! one day i’ll write more about my process when making a new version of tetrible, but i don’t think this is the right place for that.

but in short, i try to keep the basic rules (speed, rotation, etc.) consistent, and the only reason the first versions didn’t have hold or gravity is because i hadn’t had time to implement them. in the future, i want to keep the rules consistent (except if they’re part of the twist obv), so i’m not really planning to have rules compensate for some versions difficulty. that said, maybe all versions could ramp up their speed slower than what they do now?

i don’t mind too much the difficult versions, but the easier ones where really good players can keep playing forever bother me a bit, as they reward endurance more than skill. however, being a very average player myself it can be hard to realize that in the few hours it usually takes me to ship a game. maybe there should be like a 1000 line limit and a speedrun timer, or something?

anyways, i try to alternate between gameplay/strategic ideas like “long” or “vertical” (that super-players like you tend to enjoy more), and ideas like “SUPERTRIS” or “the floor is lava” (that many amateur players will enjoy mostly for the premise). i can’t always please every crowd, but i’m doing my best.


yeah absolutely, I can see why its good to try and keep base rules such as hold and randomizer between versions, and also why its better to have a mix of easier and harder versions.
As you say, the main thing that's annoying is endurance modes that can go on forever and it's just a matter of choosing how long you're willing to play it for.
A line limit and timer would be a good way to solve this problem.


still going with this game, but i wanna have a top score from it in case something ends up getting messed up

4999.9 lines, would certainly annoy some people :P


i got a terrible idea for you: what if every cleared line makes the field wider?

why not! I’ll be taking a break for a few weeks, but feel free to suggest more concepts :D


will do if i get any c:


id love to see a "tetrible achive" where you put back up a random (or ur pick) old version of the game so we get another shot at them!

a cool idea to make this mode harder / not playable forever would be where pieces are always locked to the right wall and cannot be moved side to side
and thus the only way they move left is via the sliding mechanic

Duuude 1543, and because of a bug that reseted the game. At least I was recording so I was able to screenshot the video


congrats on the high score! do you know how to reproduce the bug?

No idea, I paused the game, started it again and after 3 minutes, while switching blocks it just reset. Hope that information is enough.

I got a Nice score 

also earlier during that run i did a cool rainbow thingy


can u please release the old versions i miss the repeating one :,(


(1 edit)
2051 lines

Had to stop to rest my hands but this one was a lot of fun. Echoing the sentiment that it's basically just regular tetris if you are very good at keeping your stack clean. That being said this lets you do tucks with hard drop and therefore it is automatically badass and rad. Might do some 100 line speedruns for funsies.

Also those .2 lines hehe

congrats! share your times if you ever attempt some speedruns :D

(and nice .2 lines >.>)

definitely a nice concept, though to the skilled player this is basically just regular tetris

234 lines to start off this week

agreed, I’ll try to find a way to spice things up if I ever reupload this one…

btw, the gif below the game still shows the one from last week :P

thanks for the heads up ;)

I forgot to press save… it’s been 3 days but at least the gif is the right one now :D

is there a way to play older versions of this game? 

there isn’t, but if you wait for a few more days you’ll get to play the next version!

went ahead and got a better score c:

and you lost to the hold glitch again… I’m really sorry but I can’t figure out what causes it or how to reproduce it u.u

(1 edit)

112 lines
best score i was able to get till now, not sure if i'll try improving it if beaten since this version is so damn buggy you can literally die from using hold (like actually happened here)

I just uploaded a new version with a fix for the double hard drop glitch, and the one where the pieces end up below the board. not sure what you mean about losing after a hold, do you have a video?

here you go

I have not seen that before… does it always happen at high speed like this?

I have uploaded a possible fix, but I’m still unable to reproduce this bug. I hope this version works

(1 edit)

i haven't seen it happen at low speed no, will check if it still happens now.

edit: definitely still happens, not sure what's causing it though or how it would be possible to fix..


new version is very interesting, I got 94

quite buggy. pieces can land on each other (which is weird but i dont really mind it), the weirder thing is that line clears don't at all work as they should. in this game, a line didn't clear at all and there somehow ended up being a mino below the board.

well done and thanks for the feedback!


nice new version, but already found a bug with two pieces overlapping eachother on spawn

this version was a BIG piece… I knew there would be bugs like this (it’s probably not the only one!). honestly this would take a lot of time to fix. can you try just… not doing that? :D

i could try but i have a feeling it's gonna be happening more often .w.

i tried but i broke things again, arguably worse this time

I fixed your first bug and I’m going to bed. Sorry about the rest, I’m afraid this version is just going to be buggier than usual

(1 edit) (+1)

i think this will be more than enough to secure the highscore for this version

3000 lines


Love seeing this every week, just sad that none of the old versions have been reuploaded. Also, the whole Superhot theme is really clever, never would've thought of that.

i noticed something that's completely unacceptable!

clearing a single line with a spin doesn't call out the single, only says the spin


oh no! whoever did this should be fired. and also they should fix it in next week’s version.

doesn't that kinda contradict itself? :P

So does the game change every week? Does that mean previous iterations are not available anymore?

That is correct!

That's beautiful and I love it

better kick things off with a better scoring reference than 5 :P
136 lines

Nice! How do you like this version?

honestly it doesn't feel too different from regular tetris, except some pieces seem to lock a lot faster than others

They lock if you move them!

ah i see, it makes sense now c:

also i upped my score to 360


After about 3 hours of grinding, I finally got a new score. The lava actually helped keep the bocks down.

Yeah, keeping the stack low isn’t as challenging as keeping a stack at all in this game mode…

Also, did you really manage to get this high without ever holding a piece?


Holding pieces makes me panic with key presses. That's why I don't do it lol.

I guess this week getting the correct piece is not as important as dropping it fast enough


overstacked lmao

pretty good for a first game tho

for a first game?? Impressive, that’s our new high score!


After a lot of grinding, I got a score of 322, really fun game @herniforshort !

nice! Adding it to the high scores

Oh I didn't notice I beat the highscore! Nice!


I think the game should game over at this point, but it kind of doesn't, expected from a tetrible game :D (This doesn't happen at a low score though)


wait, it doesn’t?? damn, I intended it too, sorry!

No problem, it's not like there is a manual restart button


Aaargh - this week's is even more stressful than last week's

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